Thursday, November 28, 2019

Review: Blindsided by Any Daws

Blindsided Blindsided by Amy Daws
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Freya and Mac were sweet main characters with Mac being a pro footballer and Freya being the insecure seamstress. As they have many mates and colleagues in common, they feel into an easy friendship and were completely in the "friend zone". Until Mac found out that Freya was still a virgin.

Freya was lovely if not somewhat extremely and determinedly naive. The portrayal of a modern woman with close female friends and access to books, tv shows, and the internet there was no reason for her to still be using prudish terms like "The Sex" and "maiden tag" unironically because that's what her grandmother had called them when Freya was a teenager.

Mac was a delight as he wanted to "teach" his best friend in a kind and gentle method the ways of sex so that she wasn't abused by a random date with someone she did not know.

Things would have gone smoothly if there has been complete communication between Mac and Freya.

I did enjoy this book but it did not draw me in to the point that I want to read about others in their circle of friends.

My Rating: ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

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