Thursday, August 29, 2019

Review: BROCK by Roxanne St Claire

BROCK BROCK by Roxanne St. Claire
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brock Blackthorne is the brand manager for the Blackthorne family's business dynasty. Always uber concerned with how any action, comnent, or relationship by a family member can affect the Blackthorne brand and reputation, he finds himself sharing a cab on a strong night with a perfect stranger, Jenna Gillespie, who, unbeknownst to him, is a writer working on a tell-all book about the Blackthornes. Their attraction to one another is instant and explosive and leads to some out-of-character behavior from Brock.

Fast forward - once Brock and Jenna realize the true identities of one another and the purpose for their planned meeting, Brock decides to keep close tabs on Jenna by taking her to the family estate in Maine. They become deeply invested in solving the mystery if the source of the original Blackthorne Gold whisky even if it results in tarnishing the Blackthorne brand.

Along the way, each of them have to overcome their fears - Brock's fear of heights and Jenna's fear of thunderstorms. And they have to distance themselves from one another in order to come together.

This was, by far, my favorite of the Blackthornes series. The chemistry between the two main characters jumped off the pages and sizzled. And the danger they found themselves in kept the pages turning. I loved that this pair was the one who solved the mystery and laid the rumors of questionable whisky origins to rest.

I highly recommend this book by the fabulous Roxanne St. Claire and look forward to Logan's story coming up next.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

View all my reviews

My rating: ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Review: Forever Ventured by Kathleen Brooks

Forever Ventured Forever Ventured by Kathleen Brooks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bloodlines = Family

Where to start? This is one of my favorite books so far in the Bluegrass/Forever series. Wyatt and Camila are absolutely perfect for each other!

The grief felt at the beginning of the book had me reaching for the tissues. That wasn't the only time that I was grabbing for something to wipe my eyes but the other times were in sheer joy and sentimentality.

Wyatt, Camila, and jockey Michaela all had something to prove to themselves and their families. Even though their struggles were similar, they were each uniquely different. By joining forces, they were able to overcome many obstacles and, even though they were competing against many outside forces and their own families, they came through stronger and more secure in the love of their respective families.

The descriptions of the horse races were so vivid that you could almost feel the groundshaking hoofbeats and see the dust flying from the horse's hooves! The mystery woven throughout the story was both intriguing and frightening. Sadly, another family felt the sting when the wrongdoers were exposed.

Kudos to Kathleen Brooks for another breath-taking love story from Keeneston. I can't wait for Jackson's story!

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My ratinf:  ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Monday, August 19, 2019

Review: Satisfaction Guaranteed by Lauren Blakely

Satisfaction Guaranteed Satisfaction Guaranteed by Lauren Blakely
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Satisfaction definitely guaranteed when you read this book. Lauren Blakely delivers a truly fun, steamy second-chance romance.

Malone Goodman is a veterinarian who is in practice with a man who has been both a mentor and father figure to him. Malone has hopes that Doug will retire and sell the practice to him so that he would be able to run his own practice like his deceased father had always wanted to do. Much to his surprise, Doug announces that his daughter, Sloane, is going to start using the vet office to run her animal rescue out of. The same woman that Malone had a relationship with seven years ago and Malone made the decision to end the relationship with her out of respect for his mentor.

The cat and mouse game that Sloane and Malone play with each other is fun to read and some of the bedroom scenes will leave you fanning yourself.

I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading the follow-up book based on Malone 's twin sister.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

View all my reviews

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Review: Phillip by Cristin Harber

Phillip Phillip by Cristin Harber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The fourth installment of the 7 Brides for 7 Blackthornes series focuses on Phillip. He is considered to be rather irresponsible, always pulling pranks and being somewhat reckless with his actions leaving one of his brothers or cousins to clean up the mess he leaves behind.

During a golf outing with Brock, Phillip decides to go crazy with the golf cart and a brake failure leaves them headed straight towards a tent containing the guests of a major fund-raising event planned by Phillip's college love, Ashley.

Everything that transpires is caught on live television - from the cart crashing through the tent to Brock and Ashley doing public relations damage control for the event including a shot of a still smitten Phillip watching Ashley with hearts in his eyes.

Phillip vows to make up for any losses the charity may incur from the destruction of the silent auction items and to assist Ashley in any way to help with the rescheduled event.

Ashley's mother is a media and style icon (seemingly based on Martha Stewart) who accepts nothing less than perfection from her daughter. During their time spent together, Ashley discovers the truth behind her breakup with Phillip during college and it alters her relationship with both Phillip and her parents forever.

This book seemed rather short compared to some of the others so far in the series but it definitely helped to advance the overall Graham/Claire storyline and a satisfactory conclusion to a happy-ever-after that was fourteen years in the making.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

View all my reviews

My Rating:  ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Review: Ross by Lynn Raye Harris

Ross Ross by Lynn Raye Harris
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I truly enjoyed this entry into the 7 Brides for 7 Blackthornes series. This story focuses on Ross, one of the middle siblings and cousins in the Blackthorne family, and how he and Holly find common ground even though the initially are at odds with one another.

After a horrific and fiery crash of his racecar, Ross is ordered by Graham, the Blackthorne patriarch, to go to their distillery in Kentucky and learn the whisky business. There he meets Holly who begrudgingly shows him the ropes of the business. Holly is frustrated by the fact that she had hoped to be the master distiller in her own family's distillery until her hopes went up in smoke when their warehouses caught fire and all of their whiskey was destroyed. The Blackthornes bought the last distillery remaining in her family.

Sparks fly when Holly's preconceived ideas of Ross get turned upside down. He turns out to be nothing like she imagined and, as they work more closely together, she also draws him in even though she is nothing like the women he is normally drawn to.

Ross befriends a teen named Billy whose muscle car gives Ross the push he needed to pursue his dream of providing transportation to people who otherwise could not afford it and to create a place that would teach technical skills to those interested in learning auto-body and auto mechanics in a hands-on environment. And, along the way, Ross discovers that he does have an interest in the family whisky business after all.

Kudos to the author for wading into the NASCAR fan base to get racing terms, rankings, and the fan obsession if both the sport and drivers. I also enjoyed that Hannah had a healthy circle of friends who supported rather than competed with her.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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My Rating:  ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Review: Indiscretion by Lane Hart

Indiscretion Indiscretion by Lane Hart
My rating: 1 of 5 stars


When I read the blurb for this book, I understood it was an older man/younger woman "scandalous" relationship . What I did not grasp was the fact that this wasn't a young woman in college falling for her professor but a virgin high-school senior in a relationship with the track team physical therapist who liked a little bondage with his partners.

Grant, a physical therapist in his late twenties, is attracted to Samantha, a senior on the high-school track team. Their relationship is not only scratchy illegal as the regulations of Grant's profession state it is unethical to engage in a suggestive/sexual manner with a patient and the board of education stated it is a felony offense to behave inappropriately with a student. Even given those strict rules of behavior, Grant convinces Sam that he can treat her "off the books" and that would eliminate the doctor/patient conflict.

Sam's next-door-neighbor, Hunter, is extremely wealthy and has been obsessively in love with her since kindergarten. When he discovers that Sam has left him at the prom to spend the night with Grant, he bribes the local police to raid Grant's house while he and Sam are having sex with Sam's hands tied to the headboard. The police taze and handcuff Grant and remove him from the house while another policeman takes pictures of Sam on his phone, blindfolded her and allowed Hunter to rape her while recording it.

Grant accepts a plea-bargain to spare Sam the embarrassment if having her name publicized as the "victim" of their relationship. After ten months in prison, Grant is released only to find out that he has a daughter with Sam. He discovers that Hunter very helpfully shares an apartment with Sam at college but has kept her away from her family allowing Sam to think they were ashamed of her and wanted nothing to do with her.

After Hunter threatens to kill Grant and the baby, all is revealed.

There are many scenes that could trigger reactions from victims of sexual and mental abuse. The rape description and the depiction of forced isolation by and reliance on the abuser could cause problems for some readers.

I normally don't give such low ratings, but did not feel comfortable with the storyline of the character's development to do otherwise. Other readers may feel differently and that's okay.

I received an ARC of this book from Booksprout in exchange for a fair and honest review.

View all my reviews

My Rating: ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

Monday, August 12, 2019

Review of The Aussie Next Door by Stefanie London

This book completely surprised me - in a good way! I was expecting some cutesy dialogue and flirtation. What I got was a realistic look at some one who is a highly-functioning "on the spectrum" individual in Australia who leases out a guest house on his property to a survivor of the American foster care system that failed her and left her with trust issues. They are highly attracted to one another but their issues have made it difficult to communicate with or get to know one another.

Things change when Angie discovers she may be deported as her visa extension was denied. Dismayed at the thoughts of returning to America, she attempts to come up with a solution that will allow her to stay in Australia as it is the first time she has felt as though she "belonged."

Throw in some reluctant dog-sitting, a group of comical nursing home residents, a happy-go-lucky younger brother, and the return of an ex-fiance and you have a well fleshed-out story. 

When Jace explains how it has felt to go through life with no one really "getting" him because of his autism, I cried ugly tears! This was truly heart-felt. Kudos to the author for having her main characters come across as real people instead of caricatures and stereotypes.

I will definitely be reading more by this author.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and an voluntarily leaving a review.I

You can pre-order this book on Amazon by clicking HERE

My rating:  ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Review of Jason (7 Brides for 7 Blackthornes) by Julia London

The second installment of the 7 Brides for 7 Blackthornes focuses on Jason. He is the middle child of all of the brothers and cousin. He often felt, and was, forgotten because he was quieter and kept to himself more than any of the others. Jason found his escape from the tragedy that formed his childhood by escaping into movies and tv shows. He wasn't interested in the family whisky or bodybuilding business wanting to be a successful film/tv producer. 

Jason is extremely disorganized and goes through assistants like some people go through toilet paper. Mallory is the exact opposite with borderline (she may actually cross the border) O.C.D. And a need to overly organize people she cares for. Jason hires her as his assistant and, within no time, finds that she is an invaluable asset to both him and the production of his new tv show being developed for Netflix.

When a "ripped from the 'me too' headlines" crisis puts pressure on Jason to not only find a new leading man but also relocate the production to Maine, Mallory must leave LA to go to Maine to help Jason through those minefields as well as deal with a prima-donna director. Pretending that their attraction to each other doesn't exist becomes more impossible with each day that passes and when a director crisis puts Jason's choices for the show above Mallory's career goals, their future is placed in doubt. 

I enjoyed this book and found it funny when Mallory became much more aggressive when fueled by alcohol.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

You can purchase the book on Amazon by clicking HERE

My rating:  ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

Friday, August 2, 2019

Crown of Blood by DR Swank & Alessandra Thomas available for pre-order

Crown of Blood by D.G. Swank & Alessandra Thomas
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The third book in the Book of Sindal series, Celeste's story.

Release Date: August 6th

"Oh Gods I absolutely loved this book!" - Nicki, Goodreads Reviewer

Start Descended from Shadows NOW!
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About the Author:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became a nomadic gypsy, living in five cities, four states and ten houses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty Facebook comments (in own her mind) and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to perform many unspeakable tasks. She has six children and hasnโ€™t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.

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Pre-order Wrapped Up in You by Jill Shalvis

Wrapped Up in You, a brand new contemporary romance from New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis, is available for pre-order!  September cannot get here fast enough!

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Itโ€™s love. Trust me.

After a lifetime on the move, Ivy Snow is an expert in all things temporaryโ€”schools, friends, and way too many Mr. Wrongs. Now that she owns a successful taco truck in San Francisco and an apartment to call home, Ivyโ€™s reinvented life is on solid ground. And sheโ€™s guarded against anything that can rock it. Like the realities of a past sheโ€™s worked hard to cover up. And especially Kel Oโ€™Donnell. Too hot not to set off alarms, he screams temporary. If only his whispers werenโ€™t so delightfully naughty and irresistible.
Kel, an Idaho sheriff and ranch owner, is on vacay, but Ivyโ€™s a spicy reason to give his short-terms plans a second thought. Best of all, sheโ€™s a tonic for his untrusting heart, burned once and still in repair. But when Ivyโ€™s past intrudes on a perfect romance, Kel fears that everything sheโ€™s told him has been a perfect lie. Now, if only Ivyโ€™s willing to share, Kel will fight for a true love story.

Unfixable by Kristen Hope Mazzola releases August 8

Unfixable by Kristen Hope Mazzola releases on August 8th!
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It is finally my time.
I am the vice president of the Arkansas charter of the Unacceptables MC.
Iโ€™m Reese. I'm an outlaw. A heretic dirt-bag who only cares about one thing โ€“ my club.
I'm what they call....unfixable.
Well, that all was true until she came to town.
She's a white light in a sea of darkness.
I had no idea that her past could become my undoing โ€“ but I didnโ€™t care. I would stop at nothing to protect her. To right all of those wrongs. To remove the despair from her sweet eyes.
I am a protector of my MC...and now her.


About the Author:
Bestselling author, Kristen Hope Mazzola, is a Florida native that has found herself loving a North Carolina life. She writes contemporary romance ranging from steamy romantic comedy, sexy erotica, angsty new adult, all the way to sports romance โ€“ with dirty bikers, hot military men, and swoon-worthy rockstars in between.
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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Preorder Now!
Regret at Roosevelt Ranch by Elise Faber

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Henry Miller was nobody.

Not any longer.

He used to be an up and coming chef in New York City, training under one of the most famous celebrity chefs in the world. But that had been five years before.

When heโ€™d been itching to leave the small-town life of Darlington, Utah behind and become rich and powerful and famous. Heโ€™d been on his way tooโ€”had the fancy apartment, the great job, the gorgeous fiancรฉ.

Isabella had been generous, sweet, and beautiful inside and out . . . or so heโ€™d thought. Because the moment heโ€™d taken leave from his job to come home and care for his father, the moment heโ€™d slipped free of the outer edges of celebrity by returning to Utah to help his mother run the diner, Bella had dumped him.

Without a word and definitely without any explanation, Bella had disappeared from his life faster than a Michelin star from a restaurant that had lost his shine.

And he was fine with that. Heโ€™d moved on, rebuilt a life in Darlington and found, if not fulfillment, then at least peace in cooking at his fatherโ€™s old diner.

Until Isabella showed up in town with a new fiancรฉ in tow.

Until Bella wanted him to cook the food for her wedding at Roosevelt Ranch.

Until . . . he found out why she had left.

Suddenly, the peaceful but boring life Henry had built for himself was chaotic and frightening and it potentially, maybe . . . possibly might be punctuated with a happy ending.

About the Author:
Aside from writing romance, Elise's passions are chocolate, Star Wars, and hockey (the order depending on the day and how well her team -- the Sharks! -- are playing). She and her husband also play as much hockey as they can squeeze into their schedules, so much so that their typical date night is spent on the ice. Elise is the mom to two exuberant boys and is thoroughly addicted to Dancing With the Stars.
Connect with Elise!

Devlin by Barbara Freethy available now!

Winning her heart may be biggest prize of all...
Devlin by Barbara Freethy is available now!

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As the second Blackthorne son, Devlin usually likes to stay out of the family drama, but with his family suddenly falling apart, he has one way to bring them back together. He wants to win the Southern Maine Sailing Invitational, like his father and uncle before him. He has built the fastest boat, he has planned for every contingency, except oneโ€ฆa beautiful blonde determined to beat him and avenge a family betrayal.

Hannah Reid is tired of watching the Blackthornes win races on boats built by her dad, especially after the family patriarch fired her father. She has only one way to get revenge, win the race. Unfortunately, Devlin Blackthorne is standing in her way. She wants to hate him, but Devlinโ€™s love of the sea and brave, adventurous spirit mirrors her own, and she begins to realize that this sexy, charming man is hurting, too.

As they race to the finish, battling not only betrayal, but also strong winds and unexpected storms, Hannah and Devlin wonder if winning each other wouldnโ€™t be the greatest win of allโ€ฆ

Meet the Blackthorne men, each one as hot, fast, and smooth as the whisky that built the family fortune, and yachts and race cars that bear their name. From proud Scottish stock, Blackthornes never lose. But, one by one, the seven sexy men in this family are about to risk everything when they fall for strong and beautiful women who test their mettle in lifeโ€ฆand love.

Donโ€™t miss these sexy, heartwarming, emotion-filled books by seven bestselling authors: Barbara Freethy, Julia London, Lynn Raye Harris, Cristin Harber, Roxanne St. Claire, Christie Ridgway and Samantha Chase.

Preorder Now Available for every book in the series!
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About the Author: 
Barbara Freethy is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of 68 novels. Traditionally published for many years, in 2011 Barbara began self publishing and has sold over 8 million ebooks. In 2014 she was named the Amazon KDP bestselling Author of ALL TIME! Twenty-three of her titles have appeared on the NY Times and USA Today bestseller lists. 

Barbara writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense and women's fiction. She is known for writing emotional and compelling stories that include love, mystery, family, secrets, and often a little suspense. 

Popular series include the newest series: WHISPER LAKE that begins with ALWAYS WITH ME! 

If you love family romance series, check out THE CALLAWAYS and CALLAWAY COUSINS!

If you like romantic suspense, you'll want to read OFF THE GRID: FBI SERIES beginning with PERILOUS TRUST and/or the LIGHTNING STRIKES TRILOGY beginning with BEAUTIFUL STORM. 

I also have 17 standalone romantic novels and some connected duos. 

Please visit my website at for more information.
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Review: Those Three Little Words

Those Three Little Words by Meghan Quinn My rating: 3 of 5 stars View all my reviews