Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Review: Indiscretion by Lane Hart

Indiscretion Indiscretion by Lane Hart
My rating: 1 of 5 stars


When I read the blurb for this book, I understood it was an older man/younger woman "scandalous" relationship . What I did not grasp was the fact that this wasn't a young woman in college falling for her professor but a virgin high-school senior in a relationship with the track team physical therapist who liked a little bondage with his partners.

Grant, a physical therapist in his late twenties, is attracted to Samantha, a senior on the high-school track team. Their relationship is not only scratchy illegal as the regulations of Grant's profession state it is unethical to engage in a suggestive/sexual manner with a patient and the board of education stated it is a felony offense to behave inappropriately with a student. Even given those strict rules of behavior, Grant convinces Sam that he can treat her "off the books" and that would eliminate the doctor/patient conflict.

Sam's next-door-neighbor, Hunter, is extremely wealthy and has been obsessively in love with her since kindergarten. When he discovers that Sam has left him at the prom to spend the night with Grant, he bribes the local police to raid Grant's house while he and Sam are having sex with Sam's hands tied to the headboard. The police taze and handcuff Grant and remove him from the house while another policeman takes pictures of Sam on his phone, blindfolded her and allowed Hunter to rape her while recording it.

Grant accepts a plea-bargain to spare Sam the embarrassment if having her name publicized as the "victim" of their relationship. After ten months in prison, Grant is released only to find out that he has a daughter with Sam. He discovers that Hunter very helpfully shares an apartment with Sam at college but has kept her away from her family allowing Sam to think they were ashamed of her and wanted nothing to do with her.

After Hunter threatens to kill Grant and the baby, all is revealed.

There are many scenes that could trigger reactions from victims of sexual and mental abuse. The rape description and the depiction of forced isolation by and reliance on the abuser could cause problems for some readers.

I normally don't give such low ratings, but did not feel comfortable with the storyline of the character's development to do otherwise. Other readers may feel differently and that's okay.

I received an ARC of this book from Booksprout in exchange for a fair and honest review.

View all my reviews

My Rating: ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

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