Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Review: Crushing on My Billionaire Best Friend

Crushing on My Billionaire Best Friend Crushing on My Billionaire Best Friend by Jolie Day
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I listened to the audio version of this book.

The fantastic narrators get 5 well-deserved stars for their performances because they had a struggle on their hands. In a book where the H is a man-whore and claims to not be able to go without sex for over one day and the h is a virgin PhD candidate who uses terms like "popsicle" and "donkey kong" for the H's d!¢k (because, God forbid, she actually calls it what it is)...they had their work cut out for them!

The story premise was good - best friends since high school, H is sexy billionaire, h is gorgeous (but, of course, doesn't realize it), curvy scientist who was bullied in high school, h's apartment burns down and calls the H (who is getting a bj at the time and still rakes the call!) to see if she can move in with him. The answer is yes, of course.

I should have stopped there but sheer morbid curiosity kept me reading this cliche-riddled book.

Sorry, but thus one was not for me.

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Review: Crushing on My Billionaire Best Friend

Crushing on My Billionaire Best Friend Crushing on My Billionaire Best Friend by Jolie Day
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

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Review: Those Three Little Words

Those Three Little Words by Meghan Quinn My rating: 3 of 5 stars View all my reviews